Thursday, April 26, 2012

Good News!

So today is CD11 which means I'm scheduled for a scan to see how many eggs I have. And it turns out I have 20 (including 10 big ones)! Hooray! Prof was very optimistic just now and since my eggs are already quite big, he's scheduled ER for tomorrow afternoon. Double hooray!!! He saw us while we were waiting to be called for the scan and he immediately ushered us in although there was another couple who was waiting for their turn. Thanks Prof for the "royal treatment" LOL. The nurse gave me my Ovidrel shot so we're all set and good to go for a 4.30 p.m. ER. I'm super duper excited about this. The only thing I'm not looking forward to is that I have to stop taking any food or liquid by 8 a.m. tomorrow morning, except for Monurol which I'm supposed to take at 10 a.m. tomorrow.

Right now I'm feeling awesome, except for a bit of pain on my right side of the abdomen (probably coz of the 20 eggs) but it's nothing I can't handle. So far everything is going as smooth as I hope it would be, but I also need to remind myself that this road is still long. For now we'll just have to wait for tomorrow's ER.

Will update soon.

Much love,


  1. Congrats!!! So excited and praying for lot of great eggs for you!!!

  2. Sooo excited about your ER tomorrow! Wow, 20 follies, that's sooo awesome!!!!!!! : ) GREAT luck tomorrow and keep me posted!


    1. Thanks girls! I'm starting to get really nervous actually LOL
